Yan Chau Tong Marine Park is located on the northeast coast of New Territories and north of Plover Cove Country Park. It is well-known for its rich fishery resources and two ecological habitats, mangroves and seagrass bed, attract diverse marine life to the area.
Yan Chau Tong is embraced by uplands and well shielded on four sides from the open sea. Therefore, it is less affected by the southeast summer monsoon and northwest winter monsoon. With her stunning beauty, Yan Chau Tong astonishes every first-time visitor. It is hard to imagine such celestial tranquil scene in bustling Hong Kong.
Here hikers can see a wide variety of landforms, such as peninsulas, cliffs, bays and headlands. Local people also call it “Mini Guilin” or “Double Haven”.
The best place to get a bird view of Yan Chau Tong Marine Park is at Tiu Tang Lung. To get there, start from Wu Kau Tang (MTR Tai Po Market Station, Exit A3 -> Mini bus 20C) and head east across Kau Tam Tso. Hikers can keep walking east to reach the coast of the Marine Park, or climb up Tiu Tang Lung to enjoy the panoramic view of northeast New Territories.
Chinese Translation
Yan Chau Tong Marine Park: 印洲塘海岸公園
Tiu Tang Lung: 吊燈籠
Plover Cove Country Park: 船灣郊野公園
Wu Kau Tang: 鳥蛟騰
Kau Tam Tso: 九擔租
Guilin: 桂林